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Winding street


As a highly curious individual with a desire to learn and explore both the known and unknown, Sabrina has background experience in several fields. From creating start-ups, publishing research, running nonprofits, to mentoring in the performing arts, Sabrina is constantly strengthening and expanding her skillsets. Read more about her work below!




Ever since raging wildfires took over California, Sabrina has been invested in finding ways to combat climate change. Her first project, AgriVision, focused on using imaging technology to help crop health and has won several entrepreneurship competitions internationally. With her new venture, Foreage, Sabrina hopes to demonstrate how image processing technology combined with innovation in hardware for agritech can help leverage crop monitoring strategies, nature-based solutions, and reduce waste early in the supply chain. 



Inspired by her biology class, Sabrina dove into research on gene editing for disease resistance and conducted meta analysis on CRISPR/Cas9 on rice crops. She published her findings inGenomics:Insights, a digital online publication of the National Human Genome Research Institute. She is currently working on research in the field of image processing through her internship at Idealab, an incubator in Pasadena, California. 



Youth Leadership

Sabrina has extensive experience founding and leading nonprofit organizations in several sectors. During the pandemic, Sabrina turned her love of baking into a community-wide project: Baking 626, a nonprofit that raised funds and provided baked goods to hospitals in need. Aiming to improve access to speech and debate opportunities, she co-founded Cicero Debate Academy, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to teaching students the essentials of communication while improving access to speech and debate resources and competitions. Since becoming President of the San Gabriel Valley Chapter in 2021 and now CMO, Sabrina has been involved with ALLY, a national student-run organization that unifies and inspires Asian American youth to take action through educational and leadership opportunities. 


Performing Arts

As a cellist, pianist, and dancer, Sabrina's finds herself turning to the arts as a mode of creative expression and freedom. As a choreographer in school and a musician outside of her academic institutions, Sabrina enjoys sharing her work with others and utilizing the arts as a way to communicate with others. View some of her works here



Villars Institute: Fellow 2023 

The Earth Prize: Scholar, Innovator, and Winning Team

PwC Global Case Competition Winner: 1st Nationally, 2nd Internationally

Morgan Stanley Jumpstart: Scholar, Pitch Winner

The Wharton School: Leadership in the Business World Pitch Winner 

Global Youth Entrepreneurship Competition: US & Global Final Champion

Conrad Challenge: Top 10 Internationally, Finalist in Environment & Energy

The Diamond Challenge: DSWA Sustainability Award, Innovation Sprint Winner 

George Olah Foundation: 2021 Fellow


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